Robert Aston Jones
My apologies for taking so long to make another blog entry. The clock keeps ticking, I keep getting older, and my knee continues to be a pain — literally. It’s better, but not well by a long shot.
I’ve only made a couple of road trips since my epic drive to Washington and Oregon. I waited a couple of months before going to Williamsburg, VA, thinking that would give my knee time to heal. It did not. So, for eight days I hobbled around, walking up to 13,000 steps a day. Slow steps. Painful steps. But I got to see and do most of everything I wanted to see and do.
One day, as I was walking eastward on the main street (Duke of Gloucester), I looked up to see a man hobbling towards me with braces from the knee down on both legs, and walking with a cane like me. He made a comment of how slow we were and, without thinking, my cynical mouth blurted out, “Finally! Somebody I can beat!” He told me he had fallen from a height of 30 feet, had landed on his feet, and, “broke every bone below my knees except for three toes … and broke my back in seven places.” It made me feel sorry for feeling sorry for myself. I told him he was lucky to be alive, let alone walking. He said he’s grateful for every day.
I know you’re getting tired of me saying this, but I haven’t stopped working on my book. It’s getting closer every day!